Hair Transplantation Process
The AdGroHair percutaneous FUE hair transplant is carried out in the following stages:
At this stage, the follicles will be extracted from the backside of the head (called the donor area). The advantage of this area is that it is not affected by the hormone responsible for hair loss in the rest of the head. Now, let’s see some technical considerations when using the AdGroHair percutaneous FUE technique.

The excision stage begins with using local anesthesia in the posterior region of the head, which is the hair bank; the procedure continues for 5 minutes and there is only a slight pain due to the use of needles. This process is performed with an extractor that produces micro holes (0.7-0.8 mm), which is the main advantage of the FUE method, as it produces very small and invisible holes. These quickly heal the next day without leaving any disturbing effects.
At this stage, the client is lying on their face on a special bed to perform the hair transplant, but without feeling any pain. This stage takes 2 – 2.5 hours, depending on the number of grafts to be picked up. After the extraction, the area is sterilized and covered.
The number of follicles that can be obtained is proportional to the intensity of the hair bank (donor area). The more plentiful the donor area is, the bigger the number of follicles extracted. At the end of this stage, we obtain the bulbs required for the hair transplantation process and it´s determined if they are single, double, or triple; then the follicles are placed in a nutritious solution to keep them in the appropriate environment until they are implanted.
Determining the front line of the hair is one of the most important stages in hair transplant. The natural line of the hair begins right after the last muscle layer in the forehead, which can be seen when eyebrows are raised. The patient is asked to raise the forehead upwards so that his natural line is shown.
The front line formed by the muscle layers in the forehead tends to gradually rise up with the age: this should be taken into consideration when choosing the new front line of the hair in order to get a natural look. Our medical staff knows this and will pursue the best results to satisfy our patients’ wish of getting natural and healthy hair.
After the front line is drawn, the areas where the hair will be abundant are chosen in order to give you a natural appearance and restore the hair density of the target areas. Once all the steps have been taken, the client must consent to start the surgery and will receive local anesthesia in the area, which takes a maximum of 2-5 minutes It´s important to remark that the client will never feel pain.
We start to open the microscopic channels where the follicles or hair implants are placed; this stage takes between 40-90 minutes, during which the client is lying on his back. To open the channels two techniques can be used in AdGroHair percutaneous method.
The choice will depend on the condition of the baldness, and also on the size of the grafts and their length. Our clinical staff will choose the most appropriate way to give you the desired results, and sometimes even both methods are merged to open the micro-channels in order to give the patient the best possible result.
Customized Hair Growth Treatment Plans
Our team devises personalized treatment plans to address your specific needs, incorporating a combination of proven techniques and innovative technologies.
Our Services
- Cosmetic Systems
- Lash Lift & Tint
- Microblading for Eyebrows
- Eyelash Extensions
- Scalp Micro Pigmentation
- Lip Micro Pigmentation
- Eyebrow Tint & Lamination
- Hair Transplant

Beard Hair transplant
Beard hairstyling not only adds an extra dimension to men’s hairstyles but also provides self-expression and creativity. Men are realizing that beards can nicely balance and complement their face. Due to various conditions, Men lack beard growth ability, comparative lengths, bald patches, and Alopecia Areata. There are various products available in the market for beard hair growth but self-prescription is not advisory to avoid side effects. When Long term results are available for beard hair growth why choose temporary solutions? A Beard hair transplant is the only long-term procedure performed by our Surgeons to get desired growth. The basic principles of FUE Hair transplantation are the same as in beard hair transplant procedures. But the 1direction and the angle of hair are different in the beard area and hence experienced Surgeon is required to understand the natural pattern of the beard and do the work artistically. Our Surgeon will do a detailed analysis of the face and determine the number of follicles required to reconstruct the entire area.

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Yes! The cells are genetically programmed to continue growing. Once, this follicle is placed on your scalp, it will continue to grow.